Most train stations have coin lockers.
Ask the station attendant at a simple station that does not have coin lockers. Then you may receive unexpected kindness.

Most of the coin lockers at train stations are the same. You can use your fingerprint instead of your key to store and retrieve your luggage. A receipt with a printed password is provided in case there is an error in the fingerprint recognition when searching. Therefore, if you throw away or lose your receipt, your luggage may be stolen, so be sure to keep it until you find it.

How to use coin locker

1. First, select a language (Korean, English, Chinese, Japanese).

2. Select ‘Archive’ or ‘Find’

3. Select a library number from the screen.

4. Follow the instructions to register your fingerprint (2 times)

5. Select a payment method (cash, credit card, mobile)
* Mobile payment is only available for Koreans.
* Please refer to the table below for the usage fee by storage size.

6. You must put your luggage in the locker and close the door within 3 minutes.
* If you don’t close the door within 3 minutes, you will have to pay again.

7. Double check that the door is completely closed.

※ Do not throw away or lose the receipt until you find the item.

locker size
storage fee
450×300×600 2,000 won
450×600×600 3,000 won
450×900×600 4,000 won
450×1200×600 6,000 won

Coin locker fees are as of midnight. Therefore, if you pick up your luggage the next day, you will have to pay another fee.

for example,
There is no additional charge for adding at 00:01 and subtracting at 23:59.
However, if you put it in at 23:59 and take it out at 00:00, an additional charge will be incurred.